วันศุกร์ที่ 5 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Welcome to my weblog!

Three years have passed, since I canceled my first weblog due to some limitations originated by a range of academic requirements which needed a lot of time and efforts to accomplish. Now it’s a good chance for me to come back on stage as a blogger once again. My reasons for creating this blog are simply explainable; the first one is to share some valuable and interesting stories about everything you can imagine from my point of view, and the second one is to find some easy and cheap way to improve my English writing skill, that's writing something for all readers to comment. Here, I do promise to share many investigative stories from a wide range of interesting topics, which are not only to increase knowledge for all readers but also to bring readers some fun and relaxation simultaneously. Ok! Let’s see more from here.

