Eistine might be regarded as one of the greatest scientists the world has ever seen, but for me, the great Buddha has been recognized as a great scientist as well. Anyway, he is not a great scientist of physical science just like Eistine, but he is the greatest scientist from the world of spiritual science!
For most of us, the meaning of science is located absolutely far away from the world of spiritual power or superstitious beliefs like they stand in the different side of a coin. While Isaac Newton talked about the fact of the earth’s gravity by using mathematical equation, Lord Buddha talked about the fact of life by using spiritual guidance. As you see, the two famous figures are talking about the same thing that's a genius way to study and understand reality but they are using a different approach to gain knowledge and explain.
The first approach has gained knowledge by utilizing physical science whereas the second has acquired understandings by employing spiritual view. To explain this idea clearer, I'd like to say that physical science approach fits for study things which are physically, chemically, biologically, and psychologically existed but spiritual science approach extremely fits for apprehending secrets inside a human’s soul.
It’s easy to see why most people always reject the idea that spiritual guidance is also a scientific procedure to find reality. Maybe because there is no any objective evidence to explain or demonstrate how spiritual activity is actually working just like we see how a machine is performing its task. Lord Buddha once said that spiritual approach is the only tool to study the inner state of a human’s soul, only the one who does is the only one who will be enlightened. As you see now, spiritual philosophy above is completely different from scientific doctrine which says that if one finds a way to study reality the others can also see the reality without using any effort.
From my opinion, most of us like to think about ourselves as a brilliant and highly intelligent being because we think that we completely understood what science is all about despite the fact that we know nature’s secrets just only one part from billions. We like to call what we can study by using our five sensory receptors as science but for the rest that we’re unable to understand and explain we’ll put them in the area of supernatural, only because our ignorance.
I do believe that in the not-too-distant future, we, as human beings, will finally realize that the actual meaning of the word science is incredibly comprehensive and the word has covered studying areas much more than we ever imagined, including spiritual approach. And when the day has come, humanity will realize the exact meaning of Lord Buddha's 2,500-year teachings and know that he is truly the greatest spiritual scientist ever born to this world.