วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

The Science of Sex Appeal

Know what? Now the topic about physical attraction has already been a yesterday’s news. Why...? It’s because some recently-released scientific discoveries have revealed unexpected roles of biological power to human’s passionate and sexual relationships. Those scientists claim that these biological determinations direct us to unconsciously seek for a particular type of person, perfectly matched with our biological requirements. What a stunning discovery!

Recently, I watched a documentary on Discovery channel, The Science of Sex Appeal, which talking about the process of forming and maintaining intimate relationships between men and women by using biological approach to study and explain. If all of the scientific discoveries of the documentary are true, then it means that we all are engaging in a chemical war which we unconsciously fight for searching and taking the most biologically matched partners.

There are three major biological determinations for our bodies to be considered when we trying to begin intimate relationships with someone. Smell, voice pitch, and face symmetry are hidden clues of attractiveness which our bodies are trying to detect and identify.

Sex therapist Dr. Laura Berman says there are 10,000 different scents which we are capable to identify, but in fact, there is an enormous realm of unconscious scents which we’re not even aware that they are existed as well as how much we are being controlled by them. In this case, the scents produced by our bodies. According to Karl Grammer and Elizabeth Oberzaucher, who are leading the research on the human scent's influence on sexual attraction, they claim that when women are in their ovulation period, they can produce copulins, a charming scent which can make real men to be submissive to women’s feet. Moreover, copulins also stimulates men to secrete androstenone, an undesirable odor which repels women who aren’t ovulating, increasing chances for beginning sexual activities. What an intelligent plan of Mother Nature!

Another biological factor that has been found to directly involve sexual attraction is voice pitch. According to Dr. Gordon Gallup, a professor at the State University of New York at Albany, he claims that women with higher level of estrogen producing higher level of voice pitch which is able to attract men’s attention. He says that most men like a women with higher tone of voice because the voice represents femaleness that means she needs to be protected by a man. His study also indicates that the higher tone of voices articulating by women in their ovulation period also offers clue to men that they are ready to be engaged in reproduction activities.

The final factor to talk about here is face symmetry. For me, it is pretty surprised to know that some scientists have recently created a kind of measurement to determine how much a face is really attractive. Dr. Kendra Schmid, an assistant professor of biostatistics at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, claims that she uses 29 different measurements to create a formula for a “perfect” face by determining someone's appeal on a scale of 1 to 10. According to her study, the ratio of the length of the face to the width of the face should be 1.6, also known as the golden ratio. She says the face should also be divided into three equal pieces vertically, the forehead, then the bottom of the forehead to the nose and then from the nose to the chin. Not a big surprise! Brad Pitt has a perfect face because he got 9.3 out of 10.

As we see now, for us to search and select an appropriate partner as well as to maintain relationships with him or her, there are many factors to consider, including biological determinations. Although smell, voice pitch, and face symmetry might be regarded as unconscious factors of sex appeal which we are almost unable to design and control them, but we can learn how to use what we already have in the wisest and most profitable way for creating and maintaining a good relationships with someone. Also, after reading this story I hope you’ll realize that we all are playing in a game of love which is not solely controlled by courtship techniques or physical attraction, but biological power which can arouse our chemical of love to its peak when we met someone who matches our biological determinations of sexuality.

วันเสาร์ที่ 6 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Lord Buddha, the greatest spiritual scientist!

What is the difference between Albert Eistine and the great Lord Buddha?

Eistine might be regarded as one of the greatest scientists the world has ever seen, but for me, the great Buddha has been recognized as a great scientist as well. Anyway, he is not a great scientist of physical science just like Eistine, but he is the greatest scientist from the world of spiritual science!

For most of us, the meaning of science is located absolutely far away from the world of spiritual power or superstitious beliefs like they stand in the different side of a coin. While Isaac Newton talked about the fact of the earth’s gravity by using mathematical equation, Lord Buddha talked about the fact of life by using spiritual guidance. As you see, the two famous figures are talking about the same thing that's a genius way to study and understand reality but they are using a different approach to gain knowledge and explain.

The first approach has gained knowledge by utilizing physical science whereas the second has acquired understandings by employing spiritual view. To explain this idea clearer, I'd like to say that physical science approach fits for study things which are physically, chemically, biologically, and psychologically existed but spiritual science approach extremely fits for apprehending secrets inside a human’s soul.

It’s easy to see why most people always reject the idea that spiritual guidance is also a scientific procedure to find reality. Maybe because there is no any objective evidence to explain or demonstrate how spiritual activity is actually working just like we see how a machine is performing its task. Lord Buddha once said that spiritual approach is the only tool to study the inner state of a human’s soul, only the one who does is the only one who will be enlightened. As you see now, spiritual philosophy above is completely different from scientific doctrine which says that if one finds a way to study reality the others can also see the reality without using any effort.

From my opinion, most of us like to think about ourselves as a brilliant and highly intelligent being because we think that we completely understood what science is all about despite the fact that we know nature’s secrets just only one part from billions. We like to call what we can study by using our five sensory receptors as science but for the rest that we’re unable to understand and explain we’ll put them in the area of supernatural, only because our ignorance.

I do believe that in the not-too-distant future, we, as human beings, will finally realize that the actual meaning of the word science is incredibly comprehensive and the word has covered studying areas much more than we ever imagined, including spiritual approach. And when the day has come, humanity will realize the exact meaning of Lord Buddha's 2,500-year teachings and know that he is truly the greatest spiritual scientist ever born to this world.

วันศุกร์ที่ 5 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

20th century, the most dramatic and exciting time! Part 1

Part 1: The abolition of absolute monarchy!

Have you ever sit and faced with this question? Which is the most dramatic and exciting century for human kind? I mean a century which contains most important events and discoveries that made tremendous changes for all of us, no matter good or bad legacies. And if the kind of question is facing on me, I'll unhestatingly reply that my most exciting century of all is the 20th.

In this investigative series, I’ll be looking back through time 100 years ago to see what those important events were and compiling them into the 10 top dramatic and exciting events of the 20th century. And now we'll begin with the first event, the abolition of absolute monarchy.

According to Christian Era, 20th century began on January 1st, 1901 and ended on December 31st, 2000, and during this hundred years, a lot of triumphs and tragedies had been packed along its period of time. As you probably know, before the 20th century, many nations around the world had adopted the kind of primitive administration through the form of absolute monarchy which only king solely regulated and controlled his subjects, and this form of governance worked smoothly and effectively at that time because the society was so simple and almost all subjects were less educated and entirely lacked chances to enter politics.

But remember what happened in the early 20th century? When we saw the world has changed. We witnessed the dissolution of absolute monarchy in many countries throughout the world, especially in Europe and Asia continents, which brought tremendous changes to billions of people. The collapse of The Russian Empire, the German Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire has turned long-term subjects to become dominant classes who can control their own destinies as well as gain chances to what only noblemen derived in the past.

To the Asian nations' side, although the Chinese’s absolute monarchy was entirely abolished and the last emperor, Puyi, was finally chased away from his forbidden city and spent the rest of his life as a gardener, the Japanese and Thai monarchy have fortunately survived the event but they needed to adopt the new role of the head of the state under the constitution. Anyway, the smooth and bloodshed transmission of power from royal families to public in these countries only occurred by the generosity and sacrifice of those leaders at that time, and their great dedication will be forever noticed.

As we see now, the early 20th century was truly the time of political and administrative transmission for most of the world’s population, especially in China which already contained billions of residents at that time. In the next part, I’ll bring you back to the world wars which also only happened in the 20th century, and from my opinion, the outcome of these tragic events has enormously shaped the world’s politics and economic system which we’re connected today.

Welcome to my weblog!

Three years have passed, since I canceled my first weblog due to some limitations originated by a range of academic requirements which needed a lot of time and efforts to accomplish. Now it’s a good chance for me to come back on stage as a blogger once again. My reasons for creating this blog are simply explainable; the first one is to share some valuable and interesting stories about everything you can imagine from my point of view, and the second one is to find some easy and cheap way to improve my English writing skill, that's writing something for all readers to comment. Here, I do promise to share many investigative stories from a wide range of interesting topics, which are not only to increase knowledge for all readers but also to bring readers some fun and relaxation simultaneously. Ok! Let’s see more from here.